Friday, 23 May 2008

A foot in the door?

The hunt for a sponsor continues, the challenge of finding a bold risk taker willing to take a punt on our project with the potential of great returns to offset the risk.
This evening was an enormous step in the right direction. It was the first chance for me to meet some of Ben's supporters, men and women who believe in him and yet also have brains and influence!
Ben gave a slideshow about his exploits which was fantastic. I did a brief talk to introduce myself and, after that, it was gratifying to see people enthused and taking me seriously as well. The evening went as well as was possible. I am aware of the current economic climates so it's not an ideal time to be trying to persuade people to support our camping trip. But I rather worry that, if these enthusiastic and far-seeing people are not able to back us then nobody will.
At the end of Ben's talk he was wrapping up with some heroic-sounding stuff about achieving potential, working as a team etc etc. It was all very emotional and inspiring. Just then a posh woman out in the street yelled "Coo-ee darling!" at her little chihuahua and completely broke the moment! Hey ho!

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