Thursday, 15 May 2008

Jorge Luis Borges - The Instants

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If I could I would live my life over.
This time I would try to make more mistakes.
I would try not to be so perfect,
I would laugh more.

I would be so much sillier than I have been 
that I would take few things seriously.

I would be less hygienic.

I would risk more, take more trips, contemplate more sunsets, 
climb more mountains, ford more streams.

I would go to more places I have never been.

I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans.

I would have more real problems and fewer imaginary ones.

I was one of those people who lived every minute of life sensibly and productively.

Of course I had moments of delight.

But if I were able to go back it would be for good moments only.

Because, if you don't know it, that's what life's made of: moments.

Do not waste even this one.

I was a guy who never went anywhere without
 a thermometer, a hot water bottle, an umbrella, and a poncho.

If I could live my life again I would travel more lightly.

If I could live again I would start going barefoot
 when spring comes and not stop till fall's long gone.

I would walk down more side streets, contemplate more dawns,
 and play with more children, if I had my life ahead of me again.

But, come now.
I am 85 years old.
I know I am dying.



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